Sunday, September 15, 2013

Inshallah, Kashmir

Director: Ashvin Kumar

I know Kashmir through movies. Kapoor and Chopras made Kashmir look like heaven in every film of their's. But in last two decades this heaven has been turned into hell. 

Inshallah, Kashmir opens with a young cartoonist showing his cartoon (a Kashmiri young boy tied and being tortured), the Kashmiri boy tells his mother not to worry it feels like home as Kashmir is no different from a torture cell.  

Then we hear series of heartbreaking stories of torture, rape, disappearances, fleeing and killing narrated by wailing relatives of the victims. 

The most shocking incident was of Kunan Poshpora where Army launched a search and interrogation operation one night. Many women were gang raped that night by the army. The government has dismissed these allegations as baseless.

I am no expert on Kashmir, but it will not take time to understand that Indian government has messed up Kashmir issue big time. The Kashmiris no longer trust government and rightly so. It's been two decades and Kashmir is still burning. Militancy, unrest has become a norm and now people seems to be tired and given up. The cartoonist tells his experience how he was detained by a female Police officer in Delhi because he was from Kashmir. She said you are from Kashmir so you must be a terrorist. 

We in other states take our freedom for granted but Kashmiris can't. They have been fighting for freedom last 25 years. But freedom from what? India? Kashmiri neither trusts India nor Pakistan and they don't have power to go alone. I hope one day beauty of Kashmir that we see in films is restored and people there get a feel of freedom and feel that they are part of India.


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