Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A world without Oil


Imagine what if tomorrow you get up and the newspaper has the headline that "R.I.P. OIL"

Oil has been so integral part of life that we can't do anything without it. Be it traveling, cooking, electricity, transportation, even our toothpaste has oil. Oil drives the economy of the world. Wars are fought because of oil. 

Oil of such a significance if vanishes one day how will it impact our lives? Yes I know it won't happen suddenly and we will find out alternatives to it but will we be able to replace it completely? Will the alternatives will be a cheaper form? Will it be renewable? 

Governments are trying alternatives like Biofuel, but with increasing population the bigger question that stares our face is which hunger do we satisfy? And in economy like India where agriculture is dependent on monsoon bad rains will not only mean scarcity of food but also oil.

This will happen one day for sure and we need to prepare our kids more than ourselves for this unfortunate event. May be we would be lucky enough to escape this but I doubt our kids would be that lucky.

But this is not going to happen suddenly. The scarcity will start taking affecting our lives slowly in the form of high prices not only of oil but also food, milk, electronics, etc. (We are already witnessing it).

May be what Mayans meant with the end of the world must be related to oil. (Only they got the year wrong or we interpreted the year incorrectly) Once the oil is over  government and administration may collapse,  civil war will break out, people will suffer hunger, patients won't reach hospitals, big corporations will shut down, may be existing civilization will collapse and new one will start taking shape.

This National Geographic documentary tries to find the answers and crystal gaze what will be our life after demise of OIL. 

Keep an eye on NGC for it's re-telecast. 

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